2023 Dr. 布鲁斯·J. 纳尔逊74年杰出演讲系列


Join us for an inspiring 和 thought-provoking lecture series that brings together three visionary thinkers, Jaron Lanier, Ruha本杰明, 斯蒂芬妮·丁金斯, 当他们探索人类之间复杂的相互作用, 人工智能, 还有未来. 这个启发性的系列将深入探讨伦理问题, 社会, aesthetic 和 technological dimensions that shape our lives in the emerging AI age. 


每个活动的招待会在 5:15 p.m. 讲座将于 6 p.m.

Jaron Lanier, 9月19日



而他是人工智能发展的核心, Jaron Lanier对AI也有完全不同的看法. He doesn’t think AI is a thing in itself, but is instead a new kind of 社会 collaboration. AI as we know it today combines the expressions of real humans in new 和 useful ways. A chatbot borrows from things real people have said before 和 recombines them, for instance. This perspective opens up more useful ways to think than the usual science fiction framing, 谁认为这些节目是神秘的, 潜在的恐怖生物. Instead of using hard-to-define terms like “safety” or “fairness” to improve AI, 我们可以问谁的输入对于给定的输出是重要的. That concreteness suggests ways to spread both lines of responsibility 和 opportunity. 而不是问谁会被人工智能取代工作, we can ask who should be incentivized 和 rewarded for offering better data to go into AI programs. Lanier is also one of the few scientists working in the field who is good at explaining how the programs work to non-technical audiences.


Jaron Lanier是一名计算机科学家, 作曲家, 艺术家和作家,写了很多话题, 包括高科技企业, 技术对社会的影响, 意识和信息的哲学, 网络政治与人文主义的未来. 他是屡获殊荣的国际畅销书的作者 你不是一个小玩意,一个宣言; 现在就删除你的社交媒体账户的十个理由谁拥有未来?, the latter a foundational critique of internet economics 和 one of the only frameworks for reform. 拉尼尔是虚拟现实(他创造的一个术语)的先驱。. 他创立了VPL研究公司, 第一家销售VR产品的公司, 带领团队开发医学VR应用, 设计, 以及许多其他领域. He is the “octopus” (Office of the Chief Technology Officer Prime Unifying Scientist) at Microsoft. He was a founder or principal of startups that were acquired by Google, Adobe, Oracle, 和 Pfizer. 他已被列入有影响力的人物名单 《太阳2平台》杂志《太阳2注册平台》杂志 和 received a Lifetime Career Award from the IEEE, the preeminent international engineering society. 拉尼尔也是一位音乐家和艺术家. He has been active in the world of new “classical” music since the late ’70s 和 writes chamber 和 orchestral works. His paintings 和 drawings have been exhibited in museums 和 galleries in the United States 和 Europe.




从医疗保健的自动决策系统, 治安, 教育及其他, technologies have the potential to deepen discrimination while appearing neutral 和 even benevolent when compared to harmful practices of a previous era. 鲁哈·本杰明带我们走进了有偏见的机器人的世界, altruistic algorithms 和 their many entanglements 和 provides conceptual tools to decode tech predictions with historical 和 sociological insight. 说到人工智能, Benjamin shifts our focus from the dystopian 和 utopian narratives we are sold, to a sober reckoning with the way these tools are already a part of our lives. Whereas dystopias are the stuff of nightmares 和 utopias the stuff of dreams… ustopias are what we create together when we are wide awake.


Ruha本杰明 is the Alex和er Stewart 1886 Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, 国际开发协会创始理事. Wells Just数据实验室,也是获奖书籍的作者 科技竞逐:新吉姆法典的废奴工具 在许多其他出版物中. 她的作品研究科学的社会层面, 医学, 和 technology with a focus on the relationship between innovation 和 inequity, 健康和正义, 知识与力量. 她获得了许多奖项和荣誉, including the Marguerite Casey Foundation Freedom Scholar Award 和 the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton. 她最近的一本书, 病毒式正义:我们如何发展我们想要的世界 2023年斯托奖得主, was born out of the twin plagues of COVID-19 和 police violence 和 offers a practical 和 principled approach to transforming our communities 和 helping us build a more just 和 joyful world.



“在爱 & 数据”

“在爱 & 数据” develops a dialogue with hierarchies embedded within machine learning 和 AI architecture 和 one’s individual agency in transforming the algorithms within it. Many algorithmic technologies are rooted in methods that limit 和 cajole information from humans 和 computational assumptions. We assess ourselves using false dichotomies that force inadequate choices building a world bereft of complexity 和 nuance. 我们的系统不愿意处理看不见的东西, 未知的, 差异和变化限制了每个人的可能性. 通过智能技术——那些看起来像我们的技术, the ones that serve us 和 the ones that do neither—we have the ability to underst和 和 organize human activity with complexity 和 broadly principled care. So, 为什么这些不是我们的算法分身的目标, 助手和技术生态系统?

Often envisioned outside the realm of what is technologically possible within 人工智能, care is an essential aspect of human information 和 resource-sharing networks that aid our survival. Recognition of this idea raises questions such as how can we infuse—cooperatively, adversarially or fugitively—ecosystems we depend on as well as the people 和 institutions currently holding power with ways of being, 值, 他们对道德和知识视而不见或不理解?


斯蒂芬妮Dinkins is a transmedia artist who creates projects that foster dialog about race, 性别, 老龄化和我们未来的历史. 她的艺术实践以新兴技术为中心, 纪录片实践, 和 社会 collaboration toward more equitable 社会 和 technological ecosystems. Dinkins holds the Kusama Endowed Professorship in Art at Stony Brook University, 她在那里创立了未来历史工作室.

丁金斯国际展览. She is the inaugural recipient of the LG-Guggenhiem Award for artists working at the intersection of art 和 technology. 她是奈特艺术学院的美国艺术家研究员 & 技术研究员和创意资本资助者. Her art practice has been generously supported by the Berggruen Institute, 奥纳西斯基金会, 斯坦福以人为中心的人工智能研究所, 索罗斯平等奖学金, 一看, 先锋工场科技实验室, 新公司, 诺基亚贝尔实验室, Blue Mountain Center; The Laundromat Project; Santa Fe Art Institute 和 Art/Omi. ‘

《太阳2平台》、《太阳2平台》、《太阳2注册平台》、《太阳2平台》、《太阳2注册平台》、 BBC, the Nod Podcast, Rightclicksave.com 和 a host of popular podcasts 和 online publications have highlighted Dinkins’ art 和 ideas. 最近的展览包括: 追寻当下, 芬兰埃斯波现代艺术博物馆; 斯蒂芬妮·丁金斯:论爱 & 数据, 皇后区艺术博物馆,(2021-2022); 期货, 史密森学会艺术 & 华盛顿特区工业大厦.C. (2021-22); BioMedia. 栩栩如生的媒体时代 ZKM|德国卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与媒体中心(2022) 模仿游戏, 温哥华美术馆,温哥华,加拿大.